We are a non-profit organisation fighting to implement the most advanced AI-related mathematical models and all key technologies derived from them in order to generate new economic growth within the EU as quickly as possible. At the same time we recommend to establish an efficient digital cordon sanitaire to protect our democratic institutions from strategic disinformation, network-centric infiltration and the simplification of complex market relations in the course of the begining industrial transformation.
© 2022 European Forum for future economy
Wolfgang P. Kalny
Kurt P. Nemec
Starting in 2011, the founding members of EF4FE were told several times by international investors that Austrian consultants and former Austrian politicians had offered them as „gatekeepers“ the use of a "machine à gouverner"-system based on a "network of excellence" to manipulate the context of Austrian legal proceedings and Austrian regulations. The existence of such a "machine à gouverner"-system within Austria was confirmed to the founding members in private conversations, but there was no realistic chance of verifying this by evidence until 2019. From 2019 on, several court cases have been analyzed within a regulatory sandbox supported by an advanced prediction model based on a turing machine of the human synchronization and orientation protocol (HSOP) to uncover and examine a system and toolbox of standardized playbooks to manipulate the context of natural monopolies for the purpose of scalable and risk-free money creation. The result of this analysis confirms the existence of a "machine à gouverner"-system within Austria. Furthermore the analysis makes clear how vulnerable Western democratic institutions are to disruptive horizontal and vertical information filtering and manipulation mechanisms based on complex propaganda techniques that use the latest methods and findings in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive warfare. In order to support the future Austrian federal government in its economic policy strategies related to artificial intelligence and to defend Austria's democratic institutions with regard to the possible infiltration by autocratic organized structures, EF4FE gives the following recommentations to the future Austrian federal government: EF4FE recommends the implementation of an advanced electronic defense network to counter hostile cyber activities and to defend Austria's democratic institutions with regard to the possible infiltration by autocratic organized structures. EF4FE recommends to establish an “Innovation Hub for AI-related mathematical models in Austria”. EF4FE will take the following steps: On September 18th 2024 the EF4FE will deliver to the Austrian Minister of Justice, the WKStA and the Finanzprokuratur (as the lawyer and legal advisor of the Republic of Austria) an analysis regarding the possibility of infiltrating democratic institutions and the Austrian rule of law by using disruptive horizontal and vertical information filtering and manipulation mechanism based on complex propaganda techniques that use the latest methods and findings in cognitive neuroscience, cognitive warfare and the abuse of manipulation methods. On September 18th 2024 the EF4FE will hold a press conference (personal invitation required) regarding the possibility of infiltrating the Austrian democratic institutions and the Austrian rule of law by using disruptive horizontal and vertical information filtering and manipulation mechanism based on complex propaganda techniques that use the latest methods and findings in cognitive neuroscience, cognitive warfare.
Leading Europe to sustainable growth
Founder and Director General of the European Forum for future economy
Co-Founder of the European Forum for future economy
We are working together, especially, in the area of transparency and implementation of a digital cordon sanitaire (advanced electronic defense network - AEDN) in order to protect democratic institutions during the process of economic transformation.
Robert Kopitsch
Co-Founder of the European Forum for future economy
For the efficient implementation we are using the following tools: Knowledge management and transfer Networking with peers, academies and research centers, technical partners Public/private partnerships Support in assessing, measuring and benchmarking Project mentorship Resource mobilization Communication Lectures and workshops
Why did we choose the legal form of an NGO?
An emergence-based human behavior and interaction model can be derived from the Turing model of the human synchronization and orientation protocol (HSOP). This behavior and interaction model has been successfully tested several times in recent years. Moreover, these tests clearly showed, that a disruptive effect on the existing structures of society and economy cannot be ruled out or successfully prevented for the time being. Therefore, the founders of EF4FE have decided to stop publishing any detailed information about the Turing model of the human synchronization and orientation protocol (HSOP) until an effective regulation regarding artificial intelligence (EU AI Act) has entered into force.
What does the EF4FE do with the new mathematical model and equations?
All "structure-neutral" or "structure-positive" results are made available to the relevant institutions as quickly as possible for the purpose of further research or the development of new business models in the field of regenerative economics. Possible areas of application are (for example) encryption, fundamental operational logic for high- performance computers for calculating highly dynamic processes (e.g. climate models, fintech, health and neuroscience applications, autonomous driving), basic logic for strong artificial intelligence, hybrid and advanced systems for smart legal regulation, basic logic for advanced smart contracts and advanced detection systems for fraud, manipulation and money laundering.
How does the EF4FE wants to accomplish this?
We welcome companies, NGOs, foundations, institutions, research centers, academies and other organizations (public or private) to join us as founders, supporters or partners.
Supporting the global shift towards a regenerative economic model and to be on the forefront of the economic transformation, we have set ourselves the goal to develop new concepts and technologies for ecological, economic and regulatory problems, that were previously considered as unsolvable due to their complexity. As basic technology for these new concepts we use a natural model of human intelligence based on the logic of protein folding and the wave logic of the human vestibular-proprioceptive system (Turing model of the human synchronization and orientation protocol, HSOP). Combined with a new biochemistry-centered concept of number theory, this gives us the most advanced development tools to find the best solutions to the most challenging and urgent problems of our time.
"AI may be to the twenty-first century what electricity was to the twentieth. This is the best book yet that considers what it will mean for all who participate in our economy." Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor and former president, Harvard University and former chief economist, World Bank
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by fostering a social responsible and AI-centric industrial strategy
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